
Nik collection 2012
Nik collection 2012

nik collection 2012 nik collection 2012

I tried it several times so there's definetly no typing error.

nik collection 2012

I just can switch into the limited demo mode afterwards. In CS5 all components are installed but the activation key for Viveza 2 and Color EFex is not accepted displaying that it's "evidentally not valid". However, the Nik installer just sees CS5 (32 & 64bit) and an older LR version that's still on my PC.- Photoshop CS 6 and the recent LR version are not addressed except for the Color Efex Pro 4 Filter. I have Photoshop CS5 & CS6 on my machine as well as LR. I got the Nik Software Complete Software Collection in 2012 which has not been installed up to now.

Nik collection 2012